
If there is evidence or suspicion of fire anywhere in the building, call the Fire Department (911), and notify Property Management of Andover immediately. Do not try to handle the situation alone. IF YOUR UNIT IS ON FIRE If the fire is in your unit, exit your unit if safe to do so, keep doors... Read more

Repairs & Renovations

NOTIFICATION OF RENOVATIONS  When a Unit Owner plans renovations or repairs, Property Management of Andover must be notified two weeks in advance by completing and submitting the Description of Work Form. All contractors performing work on any unit or common area of the condominium must be licensed and insured.  CONSIDERATION OF NEIGHBORING UNITS  Work done... Read more

Fire Regulations

All doors to the stairs are fire doors. In accordance with the fire code, they must be closed at all times. The front doors in each unit are also fire doors and must not be altered in any way. Hallway obstructions are fire code violations and will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule is... Read more